Monday, June 20, 2016

The Whore of Revelation 17

ancient discoveries 2016, Unless one has a totally shut personality to what it is stating there are things in the predictions of Revelation that censure some religious symbols and belief system. It contains stuff apparently passed on by God to a creator who composed the messages into a record that has along these lines turn out to be part the book of scriptures, all the more definitely its completion. It goes straight to the point of its center and uses words that religious pioneers have attempted to redirect far from their teachings. One of these terms is "prostitute" which is taken to mean a whore or a lady who offers her body for sex. In any case, what does it mean in the religious connection of Chapter 17.

ancient discoveries 2016, At the season of its written work it didn't mean what it now speaks to. My exploration demonstrates that the social request of things was far various and ladies consistently offered themselves to men as a feature of the fruitfulness ceremonies of Equinox and the old celebration of Easter. This was commended when men passed on crosses and were relied upon to rise upwards with the dawn to end up mates to Mother God. Her name in ancient history is "Mari" or 'Mary', from whence comes the term 'wed '.

Associations that now utilize Mary as one of their central divine beings have done whatever they could to cover her old face for the new one made when the Catholic Church was set up by Emperor Constantine. He found a way to modify the date of Easter from the Equinox to the principal full moon taking after and rolled out a few improvements to maintain a strategic distance from the foundations of his religion being found.

ancient discoveries 2016, "Easter" gets from 'i-star' and that speaks to the sun. The equinox proclaimed the sun's arrival and the start of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. That, thus, implied reestablished life and an enlivening earth. Men who passed on crosses were a piece of the fruitfulness ceremonies thought up to build the ripeness and make better collects. This happened after training of creatures cautioned them to the part of the male in reproduction.

The torturous killings of these god-men occurred on the tops where the dawn was watched. The cross was shaped in the focal point of the sunrise's light seen through gaps in stones held high up on sticks. "Sol" signifies "sun" and 'sun-stick' is the root of 'solstice'. It was through these perceptions that the development of the sun was followed and times of the year chose.

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