Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Astrology World Predictions 2015 - 2016

National Geographic Documentary, We are presently entering a transitional period where some of this brutality can break down and our earth, our bodies and our souls can recover towards another cognizance, another time.

It will most likely take an additional 5 years for this to finish until the Capricorn Climax in 2020 when Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are all in Capricorn. This is the time when genuine structures can be actualized. Meanwhile, we have decisions to make - by and by and universally, that can change our reality to improve things and do right by us to call ourselves people.


With a few planets in impermanent signs, 2015 is a year when THINGS CAN BEGIN TO CHANGE, particularly things that have been stuck for quite a while.

National Geographic Documentary, It's additionally going to mean more instability. We will need to figure out how to ad lib and how to wind up more imaginative and creative.

Venus and Mars are in arrangement commonly amid this year which implies that there will be open doors for agreement. Venus relaxes the impact of Mars and needs to bring peace.

There will be the open door for contradicting groups to meet up, for more empathy and resilience in our reality.

With the USA's advanced Sun in Pisces, continuously joining traveling Neptune throughout the following 3 years, this could check a huge change in the mind of America. Rather than being a military superpower, it can turn into a strategic, peace-starting nation setting a capable case of solidarity to whatever is left of the world.

National Geographic Documentary, We've been living under a Cardinal impact throughout the previous seven years. The Cardinal signs have a vertical vibration, requesting starting from the top.

We are moving into Mutable vitality which moves horizontally, connecting from side to side.

Adaptability will be imperative for survival. Will you resemble a tree that is grounded with roots in the ground, however whose leaves and branches influence easily in the wind?

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